zhà dàn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.bomb; bombshell; explosive weapon

    • zhè gè zhà dàn zhuāng yǒu jǐ bàng liè xìng zhà yào


      The bomb was packed with several pounds of high explosive.

    • zhè shì yī kē cuī lèi zhà dàn


      It's a tear bomb.

    • jǐ kē zhà dàn zú yǐ zào chéng yán zhòng pò huài


      A few bombs can do a lot of damage.

Word usage

  • "炸弹" is often matched with measure word "颗"or"枚"or"个".
    • 炸弹

      one bomb

    • 炸弹

      one bomb

    • 炸弹

      one bomb