zhī zhù

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.pillar; prop; mainstay; support

    • tā men yòng hùn níng tǔ zhī zhù dā jiàn píng tái


      They made a platform out of concrete pillars.

    • wǒ men xū yào jǐ gēn zhī zhù bǎ wū dǐng chēng zhù


      We need a few props to hold the roof up.

    • wū zi xū yào jǐ gēn zhī zhù


      How many pillars does the house need?

  • 2

    n.metamainstay; pillar; backbone

    • tā shì wǒ de jīng shen zhī zhù


      He is my spiritual anchor.

    • kě kě shì zhè ge guó jiā de jīng jì zhī zhù


      Cocoa is the country's economic mainstay.

    • nóng yè shì gāi guó jīng jì de zhī zhù


      Agriculture forms the backbone of the country's economy.

Word usage

  • "支柱" is often matched with measure word "个"or"根".
    • 支柱

      one pillar

    • 支柱

      one pillar