zhì dù

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.regulation; rule; system; institution

    • rén men duì xiàn xíng zhì dù hěn mǎn yì


      People are satisfied about the current system.

    • zǒng tǒng jué dìng qǔ xiāo jiù de guī zhāng zhì dù


      The president decided to cancel the old rules and regulations.

    • wǒ men yīng gāi duì bù hé lǐ de guī zhāng zhì dù jìn xíng gǎi gé


      We should reform those rules and regulations that don't make sense.

  • 2

    n.institution formed under certain historical conditions in the political, economic and cultural fields

    • nú lì zhì dù yīng gāi bèi fèi chú


      The institution of slavery should be abolished.

    • shì zhǎng jué dìng jiàn lì yī zhǒng zhì dù


      The mayor decides to establish a system.

    • yī xiē xī fāng guó jiā shí xíng yì huì zhì dù


      Some Western countries have a parliamentary system.

Word usage

  • "制度" is often matched with measure word "种"or"个".
    • 制度

      one kind of system

    • 制度

      one system