zhōng shēn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.lifelong; for life; all one's life; one's whole life

    • tā huò dé le diàn yǐng yì shù zhōng shēn chéng jiù jiǎng


      She won a lifetime achievement award for cinematography.

    • tā bèi pàn chǔ zhōng shēn jiān jìn


      He was sent to jail for life.

    • zhè shì tā zhōng shēn zhuī qiú de mù biāo


      It had been his lifelong ambition.

  • 2

    n.refers to the marriage

    • xiàn zài tā de zhōng shēn dà shì quán yóu wǒ fù zé le


      Now her marriage is all my responsibility.

    • tā kě wàng zuò tā de zhōng shēn bàn lǚ


      She longs to be his companion through life.

    • tā men yǐ jīng sī dìng zhōng shēn le


      They have been privately set for life.

Word usage

  • Note
    "终身" is different from "终生". "终身" emphasizes until the end of life, and mostly refers to things in life, such as "终身受益" and "终身大事"; "终生" refers to a lifetime, mostly career or work, such as "终生从教" and "奋斗终生".