zhǔ bǎn

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.mainboard; motherboard

    • zhǔ bǎn de yuán zhuāng xíng hào yī dìng yào zhī dào


      The socket type of the mother board must be known.

  • 2

    n.main board (of the stock market)

    • zhè fēn xī le zhǔ bǎn shì chǎng hé chuàng yè bǎn shì chǎng zhī jiān de guān xi


      It analysed the connection between mainboard and carve out board market.

    • yóu yú zhèng cè de xiàn zhì xiàn zài zhōng xiǎo qǐ yè shàng shì guī zé yù xiàn xíng de zhǔ bǎn shì chǎng zhī jiān yǒu míng xiǎn de qū bié


      Due to policy restrictions, there are obvious differences between the listing rules of small and medium-sized enterprises and the current main board market.