
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.(TV show, radio programme, party, ceremony, etc) presenter; host; (of a conference, meeting, etc) presider

    • tā shì yī gè yīn yuè jié mù de zhǔ chí rén


      He is a host of music program.

    • wǒ fù qīn shì yī gè diàn shì jié mù zhǔ chí rén


      My father is a TV presenter.

    • shéi shì jīn wǎn de jié mù zhǔ chí rén


      Who is the host for tonight's program?

Word usage

  • "主持人" is often matched with measure word "位"or"个".
    • 主持人

      one host

    • 主持人

      one host