zhǔ gàn

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.trunk; stem; main stem of a plant

    • zhèng fǔ xiū jiàn le chāo guò yī qiān yīng lǐ de xīn zhǔ gàn dào lù hé gāo sù gōng lù


      Over a 1,000 miles of new trunk roads and motorways have been built.

    • guò nà ge cūn zi hòu zǒu yù zhǔ gàn dào lù píng xíng de lù


      Take the road running parallel to the main road after the village.

  • 2

    n.metamain force; backbone; mainstay

    • zhōng qīng nián jiào shī shì jiào yù zhàn xiàn de zhǔ gàn


      Middle-aged and young teachers are the mainstay of the educational front.

    • zhè xiē yǎn jiǎng gòu chéng le tā jìng xuǎn huó dòng de zhǔ gàn


      These speeches form the spine of his election campaign.

    • zhōng shàng jiē céng shì yīng guó de zhǔ gàn


      The upper middle class is the backbone of England.