zhuàng qiáng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.metahit a brick wall; bang/bash/knock/beat against a wall; suffer a setback; be rebuffed

    • zhè yì wèi zhe tā men yě huì yù dào kǔ gàn dào dǐ hé zhuàng qiáng de qíng xing


      That means that they have their share of "slog it outs" and "hit the walls" too.

Word usage

  • "撞" and "墙" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 回头

      Never turn back unless knocking into the wall.

    • 小心

      I have knocked into the wall by accident.

Chinese words with pinyin zhuang qiang