zǒu dòng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.walk about; stretch one's legs

    • tā de liǎng tiáo tuǐ dōu bù néng zǒu dòng le


      She can't walk on either leg.

    • wǒ zuò de shí jiān cháng le yīng gāi zǒu dòng yī xià


      I've been sitting too long and should go for a walk.

    • zhè dì fang tài jú cù zǒu dòng bù biàn


      This place is too cramped, with little room for movement.

  • 2

    v.relatives or friends visit each other

    • liǎng jiā guān xi bù cuò jīng cháng zǒu dòng


      The two families are on good terms and often visit each other.

    • cháng qù tā jiā li zǒu dòng


      often visit her at home

    • jǐ gè lǎo tóng xué xǔ duō nián dōu méi yǒu zǒu dòng le


      Several old classmates of mine have rarely visited each other for years.

Word usage

  • "走动" can be reduplicated, for example: "走动走动 ".
    • 不要一天到晚外面走动走动

      Don't sit around all day. Get outside and stretch your legs.

    • 朋友之间应该经常走动走动

      Friends should often visit each other.