Reduplicated words of ABAB model

Here are all the common reduplicated words in form of ABAB.

liǎo jiě了解understand; investigate

jiāo liú交流flow simultaneously; swap

xiǎng shòu享受enjoy; enjoyment

qīn rè亲热affectionate; show love through action

xiū xi休息have a rest

cì hou伺候serve

tǐ huì体会learn/know from experience; understanding

tǐ yàn体验learn through practice; experience

xiū lǐ修理repair; prune

liáng kuai凉快nice and cool; cool oneself

fēn xī分析analyse

qiē cuō切磋compare notes

nǔ lì努力make an effort/efforts to do something; with one's best efforts

cān yù参与participate in

cān móu参谋give advice; staff officer

jiào huan叫唤call; call

dīng dāng叮当jingle

xī liu吸溜slurp

hū lā呼啦sound of flapping; sound of the sudden collapse of objects or the rapid movement of people

gē zhī咯吱creak

gē dēng咯噔click; the clear sound of one's heart when nervous

pǐn cháng品尝taste

shāng liang商量discuss

yú lè娱乐amuse; recreation

xiào jìng孝敬show filial respect to; give a present

xué xí学习study; emulate

ān pái安排arrange; black case work

ān jìng安静quiet; calm

kè tào客套polite formula; make polite remarks

cháng shì尝试try; attempt

bù zhì布置fix up; assign

bāng zhù帮助help

kāi dǎo开导enlighten

kāi xīn开心happy; amuse oneself at one's expense

dāng lāng当啷clank

hū you忽悠flicker; play tricks

hū shǎn忽闪twinkle

sī kǎo思考think

gōng xǐ恭喜congratulate

yì si意思meaning; opinion

gǎn shòu感受experience; be affected

bā la扒拉push lightly; remove

pá la扒拉push some rice into the mouth with one's chopsticks

dǎ ting打听inquire about

dǎ sǎo打扫sweep

dǎ ban打扮dress up; style/way of dressing

dǎ tàn打探ask about

pī píng批评criticize; comment

dǒu sǒu抖擞enliven

àn mó按摩massage

jiǎo huo搅和mingle; mess up

zhī chí支持hold out; support

shōu shi收拾put in order; get things ready

fàng sōng放松loosen; relax

jiào yù教育education; educate

jiào xùn教训lesson; give somebody a talking-to

zhěng lǐ整理put in order

zhěng dùn整顿reorganize

nuǎn huo暖和warm and nice; warm

sōng sǎn松散loose; inattentive

jiǎn chá检查check up; self-criticism

xīn shǎng欣赏appreciate; like

bǐ hua比划same as 比画

bǐ shi比试have a competition/contest; make gestures

bǐ jiào比较compare; used to compare a difference in degree

gōu tōng沟通link up

huó dòng活动exercise; unsteady

huó yuè活跃active; invigorate

xiāo qiǎn消遣divert oneself; diversion

qīng sǎo清扫give a thorough clean-up

qīng lǐ清理deal with

qīng xǐng清醒sober; regain consciousness

liū da溜达go for a stroll

xuàn yào炫耀dazzle; show off

rè nao热闹lively; liven up

zhào gù照顾give consideration to; give preferential treatment

zhuó mó琢磨carve and polish; polish

yán jiū研究research; consider

jīng shen精神drive; lively

hù nong糊弄deceive; be slipshod in work

liàn xí练习practice; exercises for schoolwork

měi huà美化beautify

xiū rǔ羞辱humiliation; humiliate

kǎo lǜ考虑consider

kǎo yàn考验test

biǎo yáng表扬praise

guān chá观察observe

tǎo lùn讨论discuss

píng jià评价evaluate; evaluation

shuō dao说道say; discuss

diào chá调查investigate; expedition

zǒu dòng走动walk about; relatives or friends visit each other

xīn kǔ辛苦hard; go to great trouble

tòu lù透露divulge; reveal

duàn liàn锻炼forge; train

gāo xìng高兴happy; be happy/willing/glad to

gǔ lì鼓励encourage

shū huó舒活spread one's body

lè hē乐呵happy

zuó mo琢磨think over