Common words about medical care

Common words
Here is the vocabulary of the most common words about medicare.

chāoB超abbreviation for B-type ultrasound diagnosis


zhòng dú中毒be poisoned physically; be poisoned mentally

biàn mì便秘constipation

piān tān偏瘫hemiplegia

ér kē儿科pediatrics

guān jié关节joint; key link/point

nèi kē内科internal/general medicine; internal medicine

guān xīn bìng冠心病coronary disease

bàn shēn bù suí半身不遂hemiplegia

fā shāo发烧run a temperature; be infatuated with

hóu lóng喉咙throat

wài kē外科surgical department

tiān huā天花smallpox; stamen of corn

tóu téng头疼headache

tóu tòng头痛have a headache; headache

fù kē妇科gynaecology

xīn jī yán心肌炎myocarditis

jí zhěn急诊emergency call/treatment; treat someone emergently

gǎn mào感冒cold; catch cold

gǎn rǎn感染infect; infect

guà hào挂号register for a number to keep order; send by registered post

zhī qì guǎn支气管bronchus

hé cí gòng zhèn核磁共振nuclear magnetic resonance

méi dú梅毒syphilis

jiǎn chá检查check up; self-criticism

liú gǎn流感flu

shī zhěn湿疹eczema

kuáng quǎn bìng狂犬病rabies

xīng hóng rè猩红热scarlatina

jiǎ zhuàng xiàn甲状腺thyroid gland

nüè ji疟疾malaria

téng tòng疼痛ache

tòng fēng痛风gout



diān xián癫痫epilepsy

bái xuè bìng白血病leukemia

zháo liáng着凉catch a chill

pò shāng fēng破伤风tetanus

shén jīng shuāi ruò神经衰弱neurasthenia

jīng shén bìng精神病mental disease

táng niào bìng糖尿病diabetes

jié shí结石stone

gān yán肝炎hepatitis

fèi yán肺炎pneumonia

fèi jié hé肺结核tuberculosis

shèn yán肾炎nephritis

zhǒng liú肿瘤neoplasm

jǐ suǐ huī zhì yán脊髓灰质炎poliomyelitis

nǎo chū xuè脑出血cerebral hemorrhage

fù xiè腹泻diarrhea

pín xuè贫血hypohemia

zhēn jiǔ针灸acupuncture and moxibustion

mén zhěn门诊provide outpatient service

lán wěi阑尾appendix

huò luàn霍乱cholera; acute gastroenteritis

fēng shī bìng风湿病rheumatism

gāo xuè yā高血压high blood pressure

má zhěn麻疹measles

má bì麻痹paralysis; numbed

yān yán咽炎pharyngitis

yá kē牙科dentistry

sāi xiàn yán腮腺炎parotitis

jǐng zhuī bìng颈椎病cervical spondylosis

gǔ kē骨科orthopedics; department of orthopedics

pí fū kē皮肤科dermatological department

xiāo huà bù liáng消化不良indigestion

yíng yǎng bù liáng营养不良dystrophy; suffer from malnutrition

gǔ zhì zēng shēng骨质增生osteoproliferation

kāi yào开药prescribe medicine

shāo shāng kē烧伤科Burns Department

yá téng牙疼have a toothache

shén jīng nèi kē神经内科Neurology Department