MCT Vocabulary

Chinese textbooks
Medical Chinese Test 1500 words.

tǐ xíng体型type of build or figure

tǐ wài xún huán体外循环extracorporeal circulation

tǐ zhēng体征bodily sign

tǐ gé体格physique; body form

tǐ yè体液body fluid

tǐ jī体积volume

tǐ zhòng体重weight

shòu shāng受伤sustain an injury

tīng lì听力hearing; aural/listening comprehension

tīng zhěn听诊auscultate

tīng zhěn qì听诊器stethoscope

sī yǎ嘶哑hoarse

sì zhī四肢arms and legs

tài jí quán太极拳a kind of traditional Chinese shadow boxing

sù zhǔ宿主host

shòu mìng寿命life; lifespan for use

shǔ yú属于belong to

shǒu zhǐ手指finger

shǒu zhǎng手掌palm

shǒu xù手续formality

shǒu zú kǒu bìng手足口病hand-foot-and-mouth disease

sǔn shāng损伤damage; loss

sǔn huài损坏injure

tàn tóu探头pop one's head in; probe

tàn wàng探望look about; visit

shōu suō收缩contract; draw back

shù zhí数值numerical value

shù jù数据data

sōng chí松弛limp; lax

sǐ wáng死亡die

shuǐ dòu水痘chicken pox

tú mǒ涂抹paint; scribble

tàn jū炭疽anthrax

tàngburn; warm

shú liàn熟练skilled

tè zhēng特征characteristic

tè shū特殊special

shū hu疏忽neglect

téng tòng疼痛ache

tòng jīng痛经menalgia

tòng kǔ痛苦pain

tòng fēng痛风gout

tān huàn瘫痪be paralytic; break down

shuì mián睡眠sleep

tóng kǒng瞳孔pupil

tàn shuǐ huà hé wù碳水化合物carbohydrate

táng niào bìng糖尿病diabetes

sù shí素食vegetarian diet; be a vegetarian

suō duǎn缩短shorten

tāi wèi胎位foetal presentation

tāi ér胎儿foetus

tāi dòng胎动kick

shū shì舒适comfortable

sū xǐng苏醒revive; analepsia

shū cài蔬菜greens

shuāi ruò衰弱weak; weaken

shuāi lǎo衰老senile

tiáo zhěng调整adjust; modulate

shū luǎn guǎn输卵管Fallopian tube

shū niào guǎn输尿管ureter

shū jīng guǎn输精管ductus deferens

shū xuè输血transfuse blood; aid

tòu xī透析dialysis; analyse thoroughly

tú jìng途径channel

suān tòng酸痛ache

suǒ gǔ锁骨clavicle

suí yì随意at will

suí shí随时at all times; whenever necessary

shùn chàng顺畅smooth; free and easy

shuāi dǎo摔倒fall

suì shí碎石crushed/broken stone

shòu tǐ受体receptor

shì shuì嗜睡drowsiness

tóu wéi头围head circumference

tóu bù头部cephalosome; people in the top position

shòu jīng授精insemination

sǐ gǔ死骨sequestrum

shuǐ zhòng dú水中毒water intoxication

tū chù突触cynapse

suǐ zhì髓质medulla

shòu jīng luǎn受精卵zygote

tāi pán zhì liú胎盘滞留placenta retention

tóng tǐ酮体acetone body

suān jiǎn píng héng酸碱平衡acid-base balance

shū yè shì输液室Infusion Room

tāi pán zǎo bō胎盘早剥placenta abruption

shǒu guān xiāo chú首关消除first pass elimination

shuāng dǐng jìng双顶径biparietal diameter

shuǐ chōng mài水冲脉water hammer pulse

suō gōng sù缩宫素oxytocin

tāi chǎn shì胎产式fetal lie

tāi ér jiǒng pò胎儿窘迫fetal distress

tāi fèn xī rù zōng hé zhèng胎粪吸入综合症meconium aspiration syndrome

tāi mó zǎo pò胎膜早破premature rupture of membranes

tāi pán zhí rù胎盘植入placenta increta

tāi xiān lù胎先露fetal presentation

táng pí zhì jī sù糖皮质激素glucocorticoid

tè fā xìng xuè xiǎo bǎn jiǎn shǎo xìng zǐ diàn特发性血小板减少性紫癜idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

tóng zhèng suān zhòng dú酮症酸中毒ketoacidosis

tū fā xìng lóng突发性聋sudden deafness