MCT Vocabulary

Chinese textbooks
Medical Chinese Test 1500 words.

yà jiàn kāng亚健康third state

xiū kè休克shock; go into shock

xiū fù修复repair; repair damaged cells or tissue

yā tòng压痛tender

yā pò压迫oppress; constrict

xiào chuǎn哮喘whoop; asthma

xiù shén jīng嗅神经olfactory nerve

xiù jué嗅觉smell; acute sense

xíng tài形态form; morphology

xíng chéng形成take shape

xún huán循环circulate

xīn bāo心包pericardium

xīn shì心室ventricle

xīn lǜ心律rhythm of the heartbeat

xīn tài心态mentality

xīn jì心悸cardiopalmus; be scared

xīn lǜ心率heart rate

xīn lǐ心理psychology; thoughts, emotions, etc.

xīn diàn tú心电图electrocardiogram

xīn jī gěng sǐ心肌梗死cardiac infarction

xīn zàng心脏heart; center

xīn yīn心音cardiac sounds; aspiration

xìng jiāo性交have sexual intercourse

xìng bìng性病sexually transmitted infection

xìng zhì性质character

fáng chàn房颤atrial fibrillation

xié shì斜视strabismus; cast a sidelong/an oblique glance at

xīn shēng ér新生儿neonate

xīn chén dài xiè新陈代谢metabolism; the old gives way to the new

yá chǐ牙齿tooth

yá yín牙龈gum

xīng hóng rè猩红热scarlatina


xuàn yùn眩晕feel dizzy/giddy; vertigo

xiōng kǒu胸口bosom

xiōng wéi胸围bust; chest girth

xiōng qiāng胸腔thoracic cavity

xiōng mó胸膜pleura

xiōng gǔ胸骨sternum

xún má zhěn荨麻疹nettle rash

xuè yā血压blood pressure

xuè yǒu bìng血友病bleeder disease

xuè xíng血型blood type

xuè xiǎo bǎn血小板platelet

xuè kù血库blood bank

xuè táng血糖blood sugar

xuè hóng dàn bái血红蛋白hemoglobin

xuè zhī血脂blood fat

xuè xiàng血象blood picture

xíng wéi行为action

xùn liàn训练train

xún wèn询问ask

xīn là辛辣hot; sharp

xùn sù迅速fast

xù jiǔ酗酒excessive drinking

yà jí xìng亚急性subacute

xīn lì shuāi jié心力衰竭heart failure

xīn jiǎo tòng心绞痛angina pectoris

xiōng tòu胸透chest fluoroscopy

xióng jī sù雄激素androgen

yān bù咽部pharynx

xīn dòng guò huǎn心动过缓bradycardia

xìng zǎo shú性早熟early onset of puberty

yá guān牙冠crown

xiōng kuò胸廓thoracic cage

xiōng bù胸部chest

xiōng mèn胸闷chest distress

xuè péi yǎng血培养blood culture

xuè xiōng血胸hemothorax

xīn fáng chàn dòng心房颤动auricular fibrillation

yá cáo gǔ牙槽骨alveolar bone

xiōng dǎo guǎn胸导管thoracic duct

xuè xī chóng bìng血吸虫病bilharziasis

yān gǔ guǎn咽鼓管Eustachian tube

yá tǐ牙体tooth body

xiōng dà jī胸大肌greater pectoral muscle

xiōng xiàn liú胸腺瘤thymoma

xuè ān血氨blood ammonia

xié tóng zuò yòng协同作用synergism

xiāo míng yīn哮鸣音wheezing sound

xīn jiān bó dòng心尖搏动apex beat

xuè qì fēn xī血气分析Arterial Blood Gas Analysis

xuè xì bāo bǐ róng血细胞比容hematocrit

yá zhōu zǔ zhī牙周组织periodontium

xīn bó zhòu tíng心搏骤停cardiac arrest

xīn xuè guǎn xì tǒng心血管系统cardiovascular system

xiào jià效价titer

xīn fèi fù sū心肺复苏cardiopulmonary resuscitation

xīn nèi mó yán心内膜炎endocarditis

xīn zàng yā sè心脏压塞cardiac tamponade

xiōng fù lián hé shāng胸腹联合伤thoraco-abdominal injury

xiōng gǔ jiǎo胸骨角sternal angle

xiōng suǒ rǔ tū jī胸锁乳突肌sternocleidomastoid mascle

xiū bǔ shù修补术repair

xuè jī gān血肌酐serum creatinine

xuè nǎo píng zhàng血脑屏障blood-brain barrier

xuè niào sù dàn血尿素氮blood urea nitrogen

xuè qīng tiě血清铁serum iron

xuè xíng bō sàn血行播散hematogenous dissemination

yā chuāng压疮pressure sore