Reduplicated words of AAB model

Here are all the common reduplicated words in form of AAB.

qīn zuǐ亲嘴kiss

shēn yāo伸腰straighten oneself up; not to be bullied any more

biàn yàng变样become different

hā yāo哈腰bend one's back; bow slightly

cháng xiān尝鲜have a taste of a delicacy

mō tóu摸头get to know something

piě zuǐ撇嘴curl one's lips

xiē jiǎo歇脚have/take a rest

pào zǎo泡澡take a soaking bath

xiāo qì消气be mollified

liū liū zhuàn溜溜转spin round and round

pèng tóu碰头meet and discuss; meet/see each other

piān rán翩然lightly

liáo tiān r聊天儿chat

xíng hǎo行好act charitably

jiě hèn解恨have one's hatred slaked

tà qīng踏青go hiking on a spring day

yáng shǒu扬手wave

tǐng xiōng挺胸straighten one's shoulders

àn xiǎng暗想turn over in one's mind

xíng xing hǎo行行好be mercy

jì zhàng记账keep accounts; charge to an account

tī tuǐ踢腿extension

pào jiǎo泡脚have a foot bath

shān fēng扇风fan

liū zhuǎn溜转stroll around

cháng chang xiān尝尝鲜used as a reduplicated word of 尝鲜

mō mo tóu摸摸头used as a reduplicated word of 摸头

pào pao zǎo泡泡澡used as a reduplicated word of 泡澡

pèng peng tóu碰碰头used as a reduplicated word of 碰头

piē pie zuǐ撇撇嘴used as a reduplicated word of 撇嘴

qīn qin zuǐ亲亲嘴used as a reduplicated word of 亲嘴

tà ta qīng踏踏青used as a reduplicated word of 踏青

tǐng ting xiōng挺挺胸used as a reduplicated word of 挺胸

àn an xiǎng暗暗想used as a reduplicated word of 暗想

biàn bian yàng变变样used as a reduplicated word of 变样

shēn shen yāo伸伸腰used as a reduplicated word of 伸腰

jì ji zhàng记记账used as a reduplicated word of 记账

jiě jie hèn解解恨used as a reduplicated word of 解恨

liáo liao tiān聊聊天used as a reduplicated word of 聊天儿

xiāo xiao qì消消气used as a reduplicated word of 消气

yáng yang shǒu扬扬手used as a reduplicated word of 扬手

tī ti tuǐ踢踢腿used as a reduplicated word of 踢腿

xiē xie jiǎo歇歇脚used as a reduplicated word of 歇脚

pào pao jiǎo泡泡脚used as a reduplicated word of 泡脚

shān shan fēng扇扇风used as a reduplicated word of 扇风

hā ha yāo哈哈腰used as a reduplicated word of 哈腰

piān piān rán翩翩然used as a reduplicated word of 翩然