jiě hèn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.have one's hatred slaked

    • dǎ zhè huài dàn yī dùn yě bù jiě hèn


      Thrashing this scoundrel wouldn't be enough to slake our hatred for him.

    • ràng wǒ men shā le zhè ge è gùn wèi mín jiě hèn


      Let's kill the ruffian to slake the people's hatred.

    • guǎ le zhè xiē huài dàn yě bù gòu jiě hèn


      Even stabbing those bastards wouldn't be enough to calm such hatred!

Word usage

  • "解" and "恨" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 怎样

      How can I vent your hatred?

  • "解恨" can be reduplicated, for example: "解解恨".
    • 只是

      I just talked tough to vent my hatred and I won't fight against him really.