Reduplicated words of ABB model

Here are all the common reduplicated words in form of ABB.

luàn teng乱腾confused

luàn téng téng乱腾腾confused

guāng bǎn r光板儿worn-out fur garment; a copper coin without a distinctive stamp

guāng càn càn光灿灿shining

cī lā刺啦sound of ripping

gē dēng咯噔click; the clear sound of one's heart when nervous

chuǎn xū xū喘吁吁panting

dāng lāng当啷clank

pū lēng扑棱flap; flutter/spread open

pū sù扑簌trickling down

pū tēng扑腾flop

dǎ xuán打旋revolve

yóu liàng油亮glossy

huó tuō r活脱儿remarkably alike

xī lì淅沥sound

huá nì滑腻satiny

dī liū r滴溜儿perfectly round; turning/spinning very quickly

dī liū liū滴溜溜going round and round

dú miáo独苗only son and heir

dú miáo miao独苗苗same as 独苗苗

jǐn bā bā紧巴巴tight; hard up

ruǎn huo软和soft; gentle

shùn liu顺溜well-arranged; obedient

huó tuō tuō活脱脱completely

chuǎn xū喘吁pant

gū líng孤伶lonely

guāng càn光灿splendid

jǐn bā紧巴tight

dǎ xuán xuán打旋旋used as a reduplicated word of 打旋

gū líng líng孤伶伶used as a reduplicated word of 孤伶

huá nì nì滑腻腻used as a reduplicated word of 滑腻

ruǎn huo huo软和和used as a reduplicated word of 软和

shùn liū liū顺溜溜used as a reduplicated word of 顺溜

yóu liàng liàng油亮亮used as a reduplicated word of 油亮

xī lì lì淅沥沥used as a reduplicated word of 淅沥

dāng lāng lāng当啷啷used as a reduplicated word of 当啷

gē dēng dēng咯噔噔used as a reduplicated word of 咯噔

pū lēng lēng扑棱棱used as a reduplicated word of 扑棱

pū sù sù扑簌簌used as a reduplicated word of 扑簌

pū téng téng扑腾腾used as a reduplicated word of 扑腾

cì la la刺啦啦used as a reduplicated word of 刺啦

guāng bǎn bǎn光板板used as a reduplicated word of 光板

pū teng扑腾move one's legs up and down in the water; throb