Reduplicated words of ABB model

Here are all the common reduplicated words in form of ABB.

yī bān一般same as; general

wū hēi乌黑jet-black

lè hē hē乐呵呵happy

liàng tang亮堂bright; clear

liàng táng táng亮堂堂bright

guāng tū tū光秃秃bald

lěng qīng冷清deserted

lěng qīng qīng冷清清desolate

xiōng hěn凶狠vicious; powerful

dīng dāng叮当jingle

hū lā呼啦sound of flapping; sound of the sudden collapse of objects or the rapid movement of people

hū lu呼噜snore

gē zhī咯吱creak

huā lā哗啦the wall fell with a crash; crash

máng lù忙碌be busy

hū you忽悠flicker; play tricks

jí máng急忙hurried

bēi qiè悲切mournful

pū tōng扑通flop

dǎ zhuàn打转revolve; go round

dǎ zhuàn zhuan打转转move in a circle

míng liàng明亮well-lit; shining

míng lǎng明朗bright and clear; obvious

hūn chén昏沉murky; dazed

huàng you晃悠shake from side to side; wobble

dú là毒辣diabolic

qì chuǎn气喘gasp; asthma

qì fèn气愤angry

shuǐ ling水灵fresh and juicy; radiant and vivacious

yóu guāng油光greasy

yóu nì油腻greasy; greasy food

huó pō活泼lively; reactive

huá liū滑溜smooth

huǒ là là火辣辣burning; searing

rè hu热乎nice and warm; chummy

rè hū hū热乎乎warm

rè téng téng热腾腾piping hot; bustling with noise and excitement

rè là热辣hot

rè là là热辣辣burning hot

tián mì甜蜜happy

bái nèn白嫩fair and clear

kōng dàng空荡emptiness

kōng dàng dàng空荡荡deserted; concerned

chán mián缠绵lingering; melodious and moving

péng sōng蓬松puffy

chì luǒ赤裸bare; undisguised

chì luǒ luǒ赤裸裸stark-naked; unconcealed

hōng lōng轰隆rumble

qīng piāo轻飘light; flighty

qīng piāo piāo轻飘飘light; light

mí méng迷蒙dim vast and hazy; dazed

yīn sēn阴森gloomy

yīn sēn sēn阴森森ghastly

gū lu骨碌roll

gū lū lū骨碌碌move/roll quickly

xiān nèn鲜嫩fresh and tender

xiān yàn鲜艳bright-coloured

hū lā lā呼啦啦simulate the sound of running water, the flapping of birds' wings, etc.

yūn hu晕乎dizzy

shuǐ líng líng水灵灵describe a clear and beautiful appearance; describe a moist and lively appearance

huá liū liū滑溜溜slippery

huǒ là火辣it describes a painful sensation caused by hot, spicy, or other stimuli; describ a spiteful personality or a blunt and sharp tongue

yī diǎn一点a few; thimbleful

yī diǎn diǎn一点点dust

huā lā lā哗啦啦same as 哗

rè hu热呼same as 热乎

rè hū hū热呼呼same as 热乎乎

tián mì mì甜蜜蜜very sweet; happy

lè hē乐呵happy

guāng tū光秃bare

rè téng热腾hot

huàng yōu yōu晃悠悠used as a reduplicated word of 晃悠

hū yōu yōu忽悠悠used as a reduplicated word of 忽悠

qì chuǎn chuǎn气喘喘breathless

chán mián mián缠绵绵used as a reduplicated word of 缠绵

hūn chén chén昏沉沉used as a reduplicated word of 昏沉

mí méng méng迷蒙蒙used as a reduplicated word of 迷蒙

péng sōng sōng蓬松松used as a reduplicated word of 蓬松

bái nèn nèn白嫩嫩used as a reduplicated word of 白嫩

bēi qiè qiè悲切切used as a reduplicated word of 悲切

dú là là毒辣辣used as a reduplicated word of 毒辣

huó pō pō活泼泼used as a reduplicated word of 活泼

jí máng máng急忙忙used as a reduplicated word of 急忙

máng lù lù忙碌碌used as a reduplicated word of 忙碌

míng lǎng lǎng明朗朗used as a reduplicated word of 明朗

míng liàng liàng明亮亮used as a reduplicated word of 明亮

qì fèn fèn气愤愤used as a reduplicated word of 气愤

wū hēi hēi乌黑黑used as a reduplicated word of 乌黑

xiān yàn yàn鲜艳艳used as a reduplicated word of 鲜艳

xiōng hěn hěn凶狠狠used as a reduplicated word of 凶狠

yī bān bān一般般used as a reduplicated word of 一般

yóu guāng guāng油光光used as a reduplicated word of 油光

yóu nì nì油腻腻used as a reduplicated word of 油腻

yūn hū hū晕乎乎used as a reduplicated word of 晕乎

xiān nèn nèn鲜嫩嫩used as a reduplicated word of 鲜嫩

dīng dāng dāng叮当当used as a reduplicated word of 叮当

gē zhī zhī咯吱吱used as a reduplicated word of 咯吱

hōng lóng lóng轰隆隆used as a reduplicated word of 轰隆

hū lū lū呼噜噜used as a reduplicated word of 呼噜

pū tōng tōng扑通通used as a reduplicated word of 扑通