Common art words

Common words
Here is a vocabulary of the most common words about art.

shū fǎ书法calligraphy

jīng jù京剧Beijing opera

cì xiù刺绣embroider; embroidered needlework

jiǎn zhǐ剪纸paper-cut; papper cutting

yìn zhāng印章seal

gǔ zhēng古筝guzheng, a kind of plucked musical instrument with twenty-five strings

chàng qiāng唱腔vocal music in Chinese opera

wéi qí围棋go; piece of weiqi

guó huà国画traditional Chinese painting

China/Chinese ink; ink

dà tí qín大提琴cello

xuān zhǐ宣纸Xuan paper

xiǎo pǐn小品abridged Buddhist classic; short work

xiǎo tí qín小提琴violin

xì qǔ戏曲traditional Chinese opera predicated on singing and dancing, including the Kunqu, Beijing Opera and various local operas; singing parts in a story

kǎi shū楷书regular script

máo bǐ毛笔writing brush

yóu huà油画oil painting

xiàn dài wǔ现代舞modern dance

pí pá琵琶pipa

cí qì瓷器china

xiàng sheng相声cross talk

yàninkstone; term derived from the fact that classmates sharing the same desk oft. shared their writing brushes and inkslabs


bā lěi wǔ芭蕾舞ballet

huā dàn花旦one of the main types of the dan or female role in Chinese opera, traditionally the role for a perky, bold and unconventional young woman

xíng shū行书running hand

jiē wǔ街舞street dance

huà jù话剧modern drama

shuō chàng说唱ballad-singing; rap

xiàng qí象棋chess

gāng qín钢琴piano

táo yì陶艺pottery-making art

lì shū隶书official script

yīn yuè音乐music

yīn yuè jù音乐剧musical comedy

yīn yuè huì音乐会concert

gǔ diǎn yīn yuè古典音乐classical music

liú xíng yīn yuè流行音乐pop

hàn fú汉服traditional Han Chinese dress