xì qǔ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.traditional Chinese opera predicated on singing and dancing, including the Kunqu, Beijing Opera and various local operas

    • xì qǔ xué xiào


      Chinese opera school

    • xì qǔ zuò jiā


      writer for traditional opera

    • chuán tǒng xì qǔ


      traditional opera

  • 2

    n.(a literature genre) singing parts in a story

    • xì qǔ shì wǒ guó de fēi wù zhì wén huà yí chǎn


      Opera is the intangible cultural heritage of our country.

Word usage

  • "戏曲" is often matched with measure word "段"or"出".
    • 戏曲

      one drama

    • 戏曲

      one drama

Chinese words with pinyin xi qu