jiǎn zhǐ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.paper-cut; scissor-cut

    • wú shī zì tōng zhī hòu cūn lǐ rén bàn xǐ shì dōu huì qǐng tā chū mǎ jiǎn zhǐ


      Even without a teacher, the village people would ask him to run for paper-cut wedding.

  • 2

    n.papper cutting

    • zhè lǐ shì wén míng quán guó de jiǎn zhǐ hé huì huà zhī xiāng


      Here is well-known for paper-cut painting throughout the country.

Word usage

  • "剪纸" is often matched with measure word "张".
    • 剪纸

      one piece of paper-cut