丞assist; assistant/deputy officer
仞ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi
侨reside in a foreign country; person living abroad
咯cough something up/out from the throat or trachea
啃gnaw; take great pains with one's studies
敞spacious; be open/clear/uncrowded
晦last day of a lunar month; night
渺boundless; distant and indistinct
玷a flaw in a piece of jade; blemish
瑜beautiful jade; lustre of gems
眷family dependant; have tender feeling for
磬ancient trisquare-shaped percussion instrument made of jade or stone; inverted bell
窍cave; aperture in the human body
绷stretch/draw tight; spring up
缀sew; put words together correctly
芝glossy ganoderma; Chinese angelica
葬bury; disposal of the body of the deceased according to customs
袭make a surprise attack/assault on; copy