Yu Wen Grade 7(B)

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Yu Wen Grade 7(B).

bù yǐ wéi rán不以为然disagree

fēng ráo丰饶rich and fertile

gèn gǔ亘古from time immemorial

bàn lǚ伴侣partner; especially refers to husband and wife

yuán xūn元勋founding father

chop; right against one's face, chest, etc.

zhuó yuè卓越outstanding

kě gē kě qì可歌可泣move one to song and tears

fēn fù吩咐instruct

ké sou咳嗽cough

bǔ yù哺育feed; nurture

xuān nào喧闹clamourous; bustle

tǔ fěi土匪bandit

tǔ rǎng土壤soil

mái zàng埋葬bury; eliminate

dà wú wèi大无畏dauntless

diàn jī奠基lay the foundation; lay a foundation

nú lì奴隶slave; people who are oppressed and exploited

wǎn zhuǎn婉转tactful and indirect; sweet and agreeable

zì tiè字帖copybook

wǎn zhuǎn宛转move around; #$

jiā yù hù xiǎo家喻户晓known to all

xiǎo kǎi小楷small regular script; lowercase letter

píng zhàng屏障barrier; protect

shān jiàn山涧mountain stream


xīn bù zài yān心不在焉absent-minded

yōu rán悠然carefree and leisurely

chéng fá惩罚punish

zēng wù憎恶abhor

ào huǐ懊悔feel remorse

bào qiàn抱歉sorry

mǒ shā抹杀obliterate

zhì yǒu挚友bosom friend


kǔntie; things that are bundled



bān lán斑斓multicoloured

kūn lún昆仑the Kunlun Mountains

zhòu yè昼夜day and night

jiào duì校对proofread; check against standard

shū tóu梳头comb one's hair

bǎng yàng榜样example

qì chōng dǒu niú气冲斗牛anger shooting up to the skies

qì fēn气氛atmosphere

qì pò气魄daring and energy; imposing manner

wū huì污秽filthy; some thin g filthy

xǐ zǎo洗澡take a bath

shēn wù tòng jué深恶痛绝detest

péng pài澎湃surge; powerful

fán suǒ烦琐loaded down with trivial details

kuáng lán狂澜roaring waves

tián lǒng田垄low bank of earth between fields; ridges for planting crops

gē da疙瘩swelling on the skin; lump

shuò guǒ硕果large fruit; great achievement

diésmall dish/plate

niǎnroller; grind or husk with a roller

qí dǎo祈祷pray

zhì xù秩序order

zhú gān竹竿bamboo pole

chán rào缠绕twine; pester

chǐ rǔ耻辱humiliation

bèi sòng背诵recite

xiōng pú胸脯chest

xiōng táng胸膛chest

navel; abdomen of a crab

yǎoscoop up

cǎo shuài草率negligent

pú sà菩萨Bodhisattva; deity

xīn jīn薪金wage

shì yán誓言oath

chà yì诧异be surprised/amazed

tiáo gēng调羹spoon

yáo yán谣言rumour


biàn zi辫子plait; handle

dié qǐ迭起occur repeatedly

xuǎn pìn选聘choose somebody for a job/position

yào shi钥匙key

fēng máng bì lù锋芒毕露make a display of one's abilities

qiè ér bù shě锲而不舍persist without stopping

gǎo tou镐头pick

jū gōng jìn cuì鞠躬尽瘁devote oneself entirely to

gāo liang高粱sorghum

xiǎn wéi rén zhī鲜为人知little-known

mò qì默契tacit agreement; secret agreement

fù rú jiē zhī妇孺皆知all women and children know

dāng zhī wú kuì当之无愧be worthy of

zhuó liú浊流muddy flow; base/mean person

háo míng嗥鸣howl

hào hào dàng dàng浩浩荡荡exceedingly great

put; add

hé dào禾稻rice

jiǎo ròu绞肉mince meat

kāng kǎi lín lí慷慨淋漓vehement

lì jìn xīn xuè沥尽心血devote oneself to

rì bù kuī yuán日不窥园do not look at the garden every day

shēn xiāo深宵deep in the night

zhì sǐ bù xiè至死不懈stick to one's principle to the end of one's life