
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • adj.carefree and leisurely

    • wǒ xǐ huan tā de zhè zhǒng yōu rán zì dé de shēng huó tài du


      I like his laid-back attitude to life.

    • jiào táng yōu rán shū shì dì zuò luò zài cūn zi de zhōng yāng


      The church sits cosily in the middle of the village.

    • tā zài xiāng xia guò zhe yōu rán de rì zi


      She lives a carefree life in the country.

    • yōu rán zì zú de shēng huó


      carefree and contented life

Word usage

  • "悠然" can be reduplicated, for example: "悠悠然 ".
    • 诗人悠悠东南

      The poet strolled southeast.