bǎi kuò

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.be ostentatious and extravagant; chuck one's money about/around; do in style

    • jiù shì jīng jì kuān yù yě bù yīng bǎi kuò


      Being well-off is no reason to be ostentatious and extravagant.

    • nà bào fā hù zài péng you miàn qián bǎi kuò


      The parvenu flaunts his riches before his cronies.

    • zài jiā lǐ tā yòng bu zháo zhuāng miàn zi bǎi kuò


      At home he didn't have to keep up appearances.

Word usage

  • "摆" and "阔" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 什么

      Stop parading your wealth!

    • 偶尔

      He parades his wealth occasionally.

    • 朋友面前

      You paraded your wealth in the presence of your friends.