bǎi máng zhī zhōng

Chinese dictionary
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  • in the midst of pressing affairs

    • tā zài bǎi máng zhī zhōng chōu kòng lái kàn wǒ men


      He took time out of his busy schedule to visit us.

    • wǒ men gǎn xiè nín bǎi máng zhī zhōng chōu chū shí jiān yǔ wǒ men fēn xiǎng nín de wèn tí


      We appreciate that you took time out from your busy schedule to share your concerns.

    • gǎn xiè dà jiā bǎi máng zhī zhōng qián lái cān jiā zhè cì lùn tán


      I thank all of you for attending the forum despite your busy schedules.