
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    num.hundred; 100

    • tā yǒu èr bǎi duō mǔ shàng hǎo de tián dì


      He owned two hundred acres of good crop land.

    • jīn tiān yǒu jǐ bǎi rén lái bào míng


      Today hundreds of people come to sign up.

    • zhè běn shū yī bǎi kuài qián

      The book costs 100 yuan.

  • 2

    adj.all; all kinds of; numerous; multifarious

    • bǎi rén bǎi xīn

      So many men, so many minds.

    • zhè xì wǒ men bǎi kàn bù yàn


      This play is so enchanting that we never tire of watching it.

    • yíng yè yuán nài xīn dì wèi gù kè fú wù bǎi wèn bù yàn


      The assistants serve the customers patiently, and never tire of their questions.

Words and phrases with 百

  • 百岁
    [word]one hundred years of age
  • 百官
    [word]court officials
  • 百叶
    [word]cow's or sheep's tripe; a cake of many thin layers, made of bean curds
  • 百日
    [word]the hundredth day after one's birth or death; one hundred days
  • 百忙中
    [word]while fully engaged
  • 百位
    [word]third digit from the right
  • 百分
    [word]one hundred points; percentage
  • 百货公司
    [word]department store
  • 百强
    [word]top 100
  • 百里挑一
    [idiom]one in a hundred
  • 百折不挠
    [idiom]be undaunted by repeated setbacks
  • 百年大计
    [idiom]matter of fundamental importance for generations to come
  • 百家争鸣
    [idiom]contention and flourishing of numerous schools of thought
  • 百花齐放
    [idiom]all the flowers of spring are in riotous bloom; art and culture flourishing
  • 百年不遇
    [idiom]not happening once in a hundred years
  • 百感交集
    [idiom]all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart
  • 百无聊赖
    [idiom]be bored to death
  • 百年好合
    [idiom]a harmonious union lasting a hundred years

Word usage

  • Note
    "百" is written as "佰" on cheques, banknotes, etc to avoid mistakes or alterations.

Similar-form characters to 百

Chinese Characters with pinyin bǎi

  • put; list
  • cedar; a surname
  • hundred
  • used as a component of 大伯子