
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.promulgate; issue; proclaim

    • zhèng fǔ bān bù le yǒu guān tiáo lì lái bǎo zhàng chéng shì yī liáo wèn tí


      The government has issued relevant regulations to ensure the city's medical problems.

    • gāi chéng shì bān bù le yī tào xīn de xiàn fǎ


      The city promulgated a new constitution.

    • jiāng jūn xiàng zhàn shì men bān bù chōng fēng de hào lìng


      The general commanded the soldiers to charge.

    • bān bù zhì dù


      publish rules and regulations

    • bān bù zhèng cè


      proclaim a policy

    • bān bù pàn lìng


      promulgate a decree

    • zhèng fǔ yīng dāng jiù zōng jiào jiào yù de nèi róng bān bù míng què de zhǐ dǎo fāng zhēn


      The government should issue clear guidelines on the content of religious education.

Word usage

  • Note
    "颁布" is different from "公布". The subjects of "颁布" are mostly legislative, judicial, and administrative agencies, and the objects are mostly laws, regulations, etc.; "公布" can be used in a wide range, the objects can be laws and regulations, also programs, accounts, lists, etc..