bāng fú

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.assist; aid

    • xiāng hù bāng fú


      help each other

    • zài rén shēng lǚ tú zhōng lù rén yǒu shàn de bāng fú néng gòu jiǎn qīng wǒ men de fù hè bìng xǐ dí wǒ men de xīn líng


      On the road of our life, the help of strangers can lighten our loads and lift spirit.

    • zài zhèng cè shang yào bāng fú xiāng zhèn wèi shēng yuàn fā zhǎn bìng jiā dà tóu rù lì dù


      To assist the development of the township health center in the respect of policy, and increase investment.