bāo guǎn

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.dial(expression of the speaker's confidence) guarantee

    • tā zhè zhǒng xiǎo bìng bāo guǎn bù yòng zhì jiù huì hǎo de


      A minor illness like his is certain to get better without treatment.

    • chī zhè ge fāng zi bāo guǎn nǐ sān tiān quán yù


      If you take this prescription, you are sure to fully recover within three days.

    • bāo guǎn nǐ bù shòu sǔn shī


      We guarantee you against losses.

    • bāo guǎn nǐ shuì yī xiǔ hǎo jiào


      I assure you a good night's sleep.

    • bāo guǎn tā huì chéng gōng


      Surely he'll succeed.

    • wǒ zhǐ shì nǐ rén shēng de yī gè zhāng jié wǒ bāo guǎn hòu miàn de gù shi huì gèng cháng


      I'm just one chapter in yours. There'll be more, I promise.