
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.wrap in paper, cloth or other thin material

    • bǎ mǎi lái de dōng xi bāo qǐ lai


      Wrap up purchased items.

    • tā tóu shàng bāo zhe yī tiáo bái máo jīn


      A white towel wrapped round her head.

    • yòng báo zhǐ bǎ cí qì bāo qǐ lai


      Pack china in tissue paper.

  • 2

    n.bundle; package; pack; packet; parcel

    • bǎ dōng xi dǎ chéng yī gè bāo


      Please make things into a parcel.

    • zhè shì yī gè lǐ pǐn bāo


      This is a gift parcel.

    • nǐ qù bǎ yī fu dǎ bāo


      You put clothes into a bundle.

  • 3

    n.bag; sack

    • zhè shì wǒ de shū bāo

      This is my school bag.

    • zhè ge nǚ shì shǒu tí bāo hěn hǎo kàn


      The handbag is very beautiful.

    • wǒ yǒu jí jiù bāo


      I have first-aid kit.

  • 4

    v.include; contain; cover

    • bāo luó


    • bāo kuò


    • bāo hán


  • 5

    v.surround; encircle; envelop

    • cóng liǎng biān bāo guò qù


      Surround from both sides.

    • huǒ miáo bāo zhù le guō tái


      The flames envelop the pot.

    • nóng wù bāo zhù le qún shān


      The hills were enveloped in dense fog.

  • 6

    v.undertake the whole thing; take on everything; contract

    • zhè jiàn shì bāo zài wǒ shēn shang


      I shall take full charge of the matter.

    • chéng bāo

      undertake a contract

    • bāo lǎn

      undertake the whole thing

  • 7

    n.protuberance; swelling; lump; bump

    • shù gàn shàng de bāo


      protuberance on a tree trunk

    • zhǎng le gè bāo

      have a lump

    • nǎo mén shàng pèng le gè bāo


      have a bump on one's forehead

  • 8

    measure wordbundle; packet; pack; package; box

    • yī bāo mián shā


      a bale of cotton yarn

    • liǎng bāo dà mǐ


      two sacks of rice

    • yī bāo huǒ chái


      a box of matches

  • 9

    v.charter; hire

    • bāo le yī zhī chuán

      hire a boat

    • wǒ men xué xiào wéi nà cì lǚ xíng bāo le sān liàng gōng gòng qì chē


      Our school chartered three buses for the trip.

    • bāo yī liàng qì chē


      hire a car

  • 10

    v.assure; guarantee

    • bāo nǐ méi cuò

      You can rest assured.

    • bāo yòng sān nián de biǎo

      watch with a three-year guarantee

  • 11

    n.yurt; circular felt-covered tent over a collapsible frame

    • měng gǔ bāo


      Mongolian yurt

  • 12

    n.Bao, a surname

Words and phrases with 包

  • 包厢
    [word]box; a single room in the soft berth car of a train
  • 包扎
  • 包袱
    [word]cloth for making a bundle; bundle wrapped in cloth
  • 包养
    [word]provide housing, money, etc. for an extramarital partner and maintain a long-term sexual relationship with her; take responsibility for all daily needs
  • 包被
  • 包换
    [word]guarantee replacement
  • 包封
    [word]pack and seal items; dust jacket
  • 包场
    [word]book a whole theater/cinema
  • 包涵
  • 包打天下
    [idiom]undertake to conquer the whole country by oneself
  • 包揽词讼
    [idiom]mediate crooked deals in court cases
  • 包办代替
    [idiom]take everything into one's own hands
  • 包藏祸心
    [idiom]nurse evil intentions
  • 包罗万象

Word usage

  • "包" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • one bag

Similar-form characters to 包

Chinese Characters with pinyin bāo

  • used as a component of 孢子
  • straight-sided pot; stew
  • shell
  • honour; loose
  • afterbirth; born of the same parents