
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.standard; criterion; benchmark; established rule for testing things

    • měi gè rén dōu yīng gāi jiān chí dào dé biāo zhǔn


      Everyone should keep up the moral standards.

    • kě yǐ tōng guò liàn xí fā yīn biāo zhǔn lái tí gāo gē chàng shuǐ píng


      One can improve his singing skills by practicing according to the standards of pronunciation.

    • zhè xiē biǎo gé dōu bù fú hé biāo zhǔn


      All of these forms are not up to the standard.

  • 2


    • tā de hàn yǔ fā yīn hěn biāo zhǔn


      His pronunciation of the Chinese language is very standard.

    • zhè bù shi biāo zhǔn de liú chéng


      This is not standard procedure.

    • zhè shì zhōng guó de gǔ wù zhǔ chǎn dì bāo zi jiǎo zi hé miàn tiáo ér fēi dà mǐ shì biāo zhǔn de shí wù


      This is China's breadbasket where buns, dumplings, and noodles, rather than rice, are standard fare.

Word usage

  • "标准" is often matched with measure word "个"or"种".
    • 标准

      one standard

    • 标准

      one kind of standard