bīng shān

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.icy/ice covered mountain

    • chūn tiān lái le bīng shān kāi shǐ róng huà


      In spring, icebergs begin to break up.

    • hù wèi jiàn zhōng de liǎng sōu chuán zhuàng shàng le bīng shān


      Two ships in the convoy struck an iceberg.

  • 2

    n.iceberg; ice capped mountain

    • jù dà de bīng shān cháo zhe kě néng yǔ chuán xiāng zhuàng de fāng xiàng piāo yí


      A huge iceberg was on a collision course with the ship.

    • nà sōu chuán zhuàng shàng le jù dà de bīng shān ér chén mò


      This ship met her fate by crashing into a huge iceberg.

  • 3

    n.metaunreliable backer; political patron or backer that can’t be relied on for long

    • bīng shān yǐ dǎo


      The support has fallen through.

Word usage

  • "冰山" is often matched with measure word "座".
    • 冰山

      one iceberg