
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.grow/plant by sowing seeds; sow by seeding

    • wǒ men yīng gāi zài sān yuè dǐ bō zhòng


      We should sow the seeds in late March.

    • wǒ zài bō zhòng de dì fang fàng le xiē biāo zhì wù


      I've put in some markers where I planted the seeds.

    • nǐ děi zài chūn tiān bō zhòng zhè xiē zhí wù


      You have to sow these plants in spring.

Word usage

  • "播" and "种" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 需要一天

      It takes one day to sow seeds at a time.

    • 已经

      This field has been sown.

    • 这个实际念头

      The impractical idea has been rooted in his mind.