bù yí yú lì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • sldo one's utmost; be unsparing in one's efforts

    • tā men jiāng bù yí yú lì de cù shǐ bái gōng gǎi biàn fāng àn


      They will go to any lengths to get the White House to change course.

    • wǒ men yīng gāi bù yí yú lì bǎo hù huán jìng


      We should spare no effort to protect our environment.

    • lín jū men bù yí yú lì de qù bāng zhù wǒ wán chéng chóng jiàn gōng zuò


      Neighbors devoted their spare time to helping me rebuild.

    • bù yí yú lì de jǐ yǔ bāng zhù


      be unstinting in one's efforts to help

Word usage

  • Note
    It can modify behavioral verbs such as "普及", "宣传", "攻击", "镇压", "争夺", "鞭挞".