Common idioms and proverbs L5

Here are all the common idioms and proverbs for students at level 5.

yī rú jì wǎng一如既往just as in the past

yī xīn yī yì一心一意heart and soul

yī yì gū xíng一意孤行cling obstinately to one's course

yī mài xiāng chéng一脉相承come down in one continuous line

yī cù ér jiù一蹴而就accomplish one's aim in one move

bù hán ér lì不寒而栗shiver all over though not cold

bù jū yī gé不拘一格not stick to one pattern

bù yán ér yù不言而喻as a matter of course

bù sù zhī kè不速之客uninvited guest

bù yí yú lì不遗余力do one's utmost

yǔ rì jù zēng与日俱增be steadily on the increase

shì wài táo yuán世外桃源fictitious land of peace, away from the turmoil of the world

jǔ yī fǎn sān举一反三draw inferences about other cases from one instance

xí yǐ wéi cháng习以为常be accustomed to something

shì yǔ yuàn wéi事与愿违events don’t happen as one wishes

zhòng zhì chéng chéng众志成城unity is strength

jīng jīng yè yè兢兢业业be cautious and conscientious

zài jiē zài lì再接再厉continue to exert oneself

kè gǔ míng xīn刻骨铭心be remembered with deep gratitude

qiān zǎi nán féng千载难逢not occurring once in a thousand years

biàn běn jiā lì变本加厉be further intensified

sī kōng jiàn guàn司空见惯be a common sight/occurrence

tàn wéi guān zhǐ叹为观止acclaim something as the acme of perfection

ǒu xīn lì xuè呕心沥血work one's heart out

duō duō bī rén咄咄逼人overbearing

tí xiào jiē fēi啼笑皆非find something both funny and annoying

chī zhī yǐ bí嗤之以鼻turn up one's nose at

dà xiāng jìng tíng大相径庭be poles apart

tiān fān dì fù天翻地覆tremendous shaking changes; total disorder or confusion

rú chū yī zhé如出一辙run in the same groove

rú huǒ rú tú如火如荼like a raging fire

ān rán wú yàng安然无恙unscathed

shěn shí duó shì审时度势judge the hour and size up the situation

xiǎo xīn yì yì小心翼翼very cautiously

lǚ jiàn bù xiān屡见不鲜be no rare sight

yì xiǎng tiān kāi异想天开fantastic

dé bù cháng shī得不偿失the game isn’t worth the candle

xún xù jiàn jìn循序渐进take a progressive approach

dé gāo wàng zhòng德高望重be of noble character and high prestige

xīn jí rú fén心急如焚be burning with anxiety

xīn kuàng shén yí心旷神怡carefree and happy

xīn huī yì lěng心灰意冷discouraged

yōu xīn chōng chōng忧心忡忡be anxiety-ridden

nù bù kě è怒不可遏beside oneself with anger

jí gōng jìn lì急功近利seek instant success and quick profits

huàn dé huàn shī患得患失worry about personal gains and losses

wǒ xíng wǒ sù我行我素do things one's own way

zhàn zhàn jīng jīng战战兢兢trembling with fear; apprehensive and cautious

shǒu wǔ zú dǎo手舞足蹈gesticulate merrily

shǒu zú wú cuò手足无措be bewildered

pū shuò mí lí扑朔迷离confusing the eye

shì mù yǐ dài拭目以待wait and see

tí xīn diào dǎn提心吊胆be on tenterhooks

zhǎn dīng jié tiě斩钉截铁resolute and decisive

wú yǔ lún bǐ无与伦比incomparable

wú jīng dǎ cǎi无精打采in low spirits

yǒu shì wú kǒng有恃无恐have something secure to rely on

yǒu tiáo bù wěn有条不紊methodical

yǒu dì fàng shǐ有的放矢shoot the arrow at the target

yǒu mù gòng dǔ有目共睹be perfectly obvious

wèi yǔ chóu móu未雨绸缪repair the house before it rains

shù shǒu wú cè束手无策be at a loss what to do

lái lóng qù mài来龙去脉origin and development

mèng mèi yǐ qiú梦寐以求crave something so that one even dreams about it

máo gǔ sǒng rán毛骨悚然with one's hair standing on end

zhān zhān zì xǐ沾沾自喜be pleased with oneself

shēn wù tòng jué深恶痛绝detest

mò bù guān xīn漠不关心be indifferent to

xiāng tí bìng lùn相提并论mention in the same breath

xiāng fǔ xiāng chéng相辅相成complement one another

chēng mù jié shé瞠目结舌stare dumbfounded

lì gān jiàn yǐng立竿见影get quick results

jīng yì qiú jīng精益求精constantly strive for perfection

fān tiān fù dì翻天覆地earth-shattering; ferociously vent one's frustration

nài rén xún wèi耐人寻味be thought-provoking

sì wú jì dàn肆无忌惮act recklessly and care for nobody

tuō yǐng ér chū脱颖而出A talented person cannot be kept down.

zé wú páng dài责无旁贷responsibility is unshirkable

zǒu tóu wú lù走投无路come to a dead end

zǒu guò chǎng走过场go through the stage in quick motions; do something as a mere formality

shì dé qí fǎn适得其反run counter to one's desire

táo zhī yāo yāo逃之夭夭slip away

cuò zōng fù zá错综复杂complex

jǐn shàng tiān huā锦上添花add brilliance to one's present splendor

miàn miàn xiāng qù面面相觑gaze at each other in speechless despair

shǒu dāng qí chōng首当其冲be the first to bear the brunt

hài rén tīng wén骇人听闻shocking

bù xiè yī gù不屑一顾beneath one's notice

yǎn yǎn yī xī奄奄一息at the gate of death

xīn fán yì luàn心烦意乱be terribly upset

wú yuán wú gù无缘无故for no reason at all

xǔ xǔ rú shēng栩栩如生be lifelike and full of vitality

bǐ bǐ jiē shì比比皆是be great in number

zuì kuí huò shǒu罪魁祸首ring leader

dàng rán wú cún荡然无存all gone

guǐ guǐ suì suì鬼鬼祟祟furtive

rén lái rén wǎng人来人往People are coming and going.

zī zī bù juàn孜孜不倦assiduously

tāo tāo bù jué滔滔不绝spout eloquent speeches

luò yì bù jué络绎不绝in an endless stream