
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.enlist; join the army; join up

    • zhè qīng nián yào bào míng cān jūn


      The boy wants to enlist.

    • tā shì bèi zhēng bīng hái shì zì yuàn cān jūn


      Was he drafted into the army, or did he enlist?

    • wǒ yǐ bào míng cān jūn


      I have applied to join the army.

  • 2

    n.archmilitary staff officer

    • cān jūn shì zhōng guó gǔ dài jūn xián


      Canjun, which means military staff officer, is a rank in ancient china.

Word usage

  • "参" and "军" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 曾经

      He once served in the army.

    • 什么时候

      When did you join the army?

    • 儿子

      Both her sons joined the army.