cāo kòng

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.manipulate

    • mù hòu cāo kòng


      pull strings behind the scenes

    • zhèng jiān huì duì rén wéi cāo kòng shì chǎng xiàn xiàng chí yán sù chá chǔ de tài du


      The Securities Regulatory Commission has taken a stern attitude when handling instances of human market manipulation.

    • yī lián chuàn de jǔ bào cái liào zhí zhǐ tā cāo kòng dì xia qián zhuāng


      A string of materials were reported, directly accusing her of manipulating an underground bank.

    • hēi xīng xing néng gòu fēi cháng jīng zhǔn de cāo kòng wù pǐn


      Chimps are able to manipulate objects with a high degree of precision.