
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.mistake; error; slip

    • bù huì chū chā cuò


      No mistakes could arise.

    • zài zhè ge bǐ sài de zuì hòu jiē duàn bù kě yǐ chū xiàn rèn hé chā cuò


      At this late stage in the competition, there is no margin for error.

    • zhè bǐ zhàng mù li yǒu chā cuò


      There's an accounting error in this entry.

  • 2

    n.accident; mishap; unexpected turn of events

    • rú guǒ chū le chā cuò zěn me bàn


      What if something goes wrong?

    • yào bì miǎn chū xiàn rèn hé chā cuò


      Any accident should be cautiously avoided.

    • wàn yī zhè hái zi chū le chā cuò kě zěn me bàn


      What if anything should happen to the child?

Word usage

  • "差错" is often matched with measure word "个"or"点".
    • 差错

      one mistake

    • 差错

      a little mistake