cháng jiāng

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.the Chang Jiang River; the Yangtze River

    • cháng jiāng shì dōng běi miàn de yī gè tiān rán píng zhàng


      The Yangtze River is a natural barrier to the north-east.

    • cháng jiāng shǐ de rén men néng gòu dào dá zhōng guó nèi lù xǔ duō dì fang


      The Yangtze River would give access to much of China's interior.

    • wǒ men jì huà zhè ge zhōu mò bàn yī gè cháng jiāng bǎo hù rì


      We are planning a Yangtze River Protection Day this weekend.

    • zài cháng jiāng de yán àn


      on the banks of the Yangtze