Zhong wen 12

Chinese textbooks
Vocabulary of Zhong wen 12.

tíngpavilion; stall

tíng liú停留stay for some time; remain

cuīurge; speed up

jiāngstiff; deadlocked

cut; separate



cōng máng匆忙hasty

luǎnovum; fertilized egg of an insect, the first stage of the development of the life cycle of an insect

fā shì发誓pledge

wěnlips; animal's mouth

hǒushout; roar

huómix with water, etc.


duō suo哆嗦tremble


suōused as a component of 哆嗦


sì zhōu四周all sides/directions/quarters

shèngholy; sage

shì bīng士兵private

shell; case

xiángrudge; dislike

ān wèi安慰console; feel encouraged


shīperson representing spirit of the dead person during sacrifices; corpse

shǔcombine; subordinate to

shǔ yú属于belong to

qiáng dào强盗robber

yōusorrow; worry

kuài huo快活cheerful

bēi shāng悲伤sad

jièguard against; warn

jiè zhi戒指ring

chětug; tear off

fǔ mō抚摸fondle

lǒngclose; approach


lánbar; be directed right at

quán tou拳头fist; with high quality and strong competitiveness

niēpinch; knead

yáo bǎi摇摆sway; hesitate

shuāi jiāo摔跤trip and fall; make a blunder

nuǎn huo暖和warm and nice; warm


withered; dried up

táofruit of the peach tree; walnut

zhuāngstake; an important thing

méiplum blossom; a surname

gùnstick; treacherous person

zhàpress for extracting juice, oil, etc.; press


huìconverge; gather together

chén zhòng沉重heavy; critical

ní tǔ泥土soil; clay

tàisafe; arrogant

huó yuè活跃active; invigorate

tānbeach; shoal

guànirrigate; pour

huǒ chái火柴match


kǎobake; warm oneself by a fire

yànflame; arrogance

ránburn; ignite

bào fā爆发erupt; violent social change

kuángmad; violent

prison; lawsuit

pí fá疲乏fatigue

pí juàn疲倦tired and sleepy

jiān yù监狱prison

miǎosecond; second

suōcontract; draw back

suō xiǎo缩小reduce

shuǎplay; play

gēngplough; take up

gēng dì耕地till; cultivated land

thigh; section

zhàngexpand; swell

néng gòu能够can; can

nǎo dai脑袋person's head; memory

máocogongrass; a surname

láilamb's-quarters; overgrowth of weeds

fù dān负担bear; burden




tòu míng透明diaphanous; open

liànchain; enchain

xiùrust; become rusty


zǔ zhǐ阻止prevent

zǔ ài阻碍obstruct; obstacle

xiàng liàn项链necklace

éforehead; top part of something

zhòusuddenly; fast

mián ǎo棉袄cotton-padded jacket

non-Han nationalities living in the north and west in ancient times; introduced from abroad or by ethnic groups living in northern and western parts of China

hǒngfool; coax

jiānsupervise; prison

kānlook after; keep an eye on