cháng lǐ

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.convention; general rule; logical thinking

    • àn cháng lǐ tā míng tiān yīng gāi huí fǎng lǐ xiān sheng


      According to convention, he ought to pay Mr. Li a return visit tomorrow.

    • àn cháng lǐ jiǎng zhè shì bù xíng de


      According to convention, this is not allowed.

    • àn cháng lǐ wǒ yīng gāi qù kàn wàng tā


      I should pay her a visit by social convention.

    • tā sù zhū cháng lǐ de zuò fǎ zuì zhōng yíng dé le zhī chí


      Her appeal to common sense was what finally carried the day.

    • wǒ men xū yào fù chá nà xiē míng xiǎn bù fú hé cháng lǐ de gè àn


      We need to look again at any apparently anomalous cases.

Word usage

  • "常理" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 常理

      one common sense