
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.manage; run

    • guǎn lǐ


    • zhì lǐ


    • chǔ lǐ


  • 2

    v.put in proper order; tidy up; clean up

    • qīng lǐ

      clear up

    • tā lǐ le lǐ fáng jiān de shū


      She tidied up the books in her room.

    • shū lǐ

      comb hair

  • 3

    n.reason; logic; truth

    • tā jiǎng de jù jù shì lǐ

      There is truth in every word he says.

    • shì tā méi lǐ

      She's the one who's been unreasonable.

    • tā jiǎng de jù jù shì lǐ

      There is truth in every word he says.

  • 4

    v.(usually used in the negative) pay attention to; make a gesture or speak to

    • bié lǐ tā

      Don't pay attention to him.

    • tā liǎ lù shang pèng jiàn le shuí yě méi lǐ shuí


      They ignored each other when they met on the road.

    • wǒ gēn běn bù lǐ zhè xiē xián huà


      I totally ignored the gossip.

  • 5

    n.texture; grain (in wood, skin, etc.)

    • jī lǐ

      skin texture

    • mù lǐ


Words and phrases with 理

  • 理学家
  • 理事长
    [word]chairman of a board of directors
  • 理智
    [word]reason; rational
  • 理解力
  • 理论家
  • 理发员
  • 理学
    [word]a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, known to the West as Neo-Confucianism; natural science
  • 理睬
    [word]pay attention/heed to
  • 理会
    [word]understand; pay attention to
  • 理所当然
    [idiom]as a matter of course
  • 理屈词穷
    [idiom]fall silent on finding oneself bested in argument
  • 理直气壮
    [idiom]be in the right and self-confident
  • 理亏心虚
    [idiom]have a guilty conscience

Similar-form characters to 理

Chinese Characters with pinyin