cháng mìng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.a life for a life

    • shā rén cháng mìng zì gǔ yǒu zhī


      It has been held since time immemorial that a murderer must pay with his life.

    • yǐ mìng cháng mìng tā jiāng bèi pàn chǔ sǐ xíng


      Life for life, he will be sentence to death.

Word usage

  • "偿" and "命" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 受害者家属要求罪犯女儿

      The victim's family asked the criminal to pay with his life for their daughter's life.

    • 任何道歉不了受害者

      No apology can pay for the lives of the victims.