cháng shí

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.general/elementary knowledge

    • zhèng zhì cháng shí shì liǎng guó jiàn jiāo de jī chǔ


      Political common sense is the basis for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

    • ān quán cháng shí yīng gāi bèi suǒ yǒu rén jì zhù


      Common sense of safety should be remembered by everyone.

    • ān quán yòng diàn zài wǒ men zhèn yǐ chéng le cháng shí


      How to use electricity safely has become general knowledge in our town.

  • 2

    n.common sense

    • wǒ men kě yǐ yùn yòng cháng shí jiě jué wèn tí


      We can apply common sense to solving problems.

    • cháng shí shì shēng huó zhōng zhòng yào de yī bù fen


      Common sense is an important part of life.

    • cháng shí kě yǐ jiě jué máo dùn


      Common sense can resolve contradictions.

Word usage

  • "常识" is often matched with measure word "门"or"些".
    • 常识

      one common sense

    • 常识

      some common sense