chàng zhǔ jué

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.metaplay the leading role/protagonist; shoulder most of the responsibilities

    • zhè xiàng rèn wù yóu tā chàng zhǔ jué


      She will play the leading role in this undertaking.

    • zhè ge huà jù tā chàng zhǔ jué


      He will play the leading role in this drama.

    • zhè ge kè tí zǔ nǐ lái chàng zhǔ jué


      You'll play the leading role in this research team.

    • yīn yuè yǎn zòu chéng le dàng wǎn chàng zhǔ jué de shāng yè huó dòng de péi chèn


      The playing of music proved to be incidental to the main business of theevening

    • tā xiǎng zài zhěng gè huì yì shang chàng zhǔ jué tā duì cǐ hěn nǎo huǒ


      He was annoyed at the way she tried to take over the whole meeting.

Word usage

  • Note
    "角" cannot be pronounced as "jiǎo" in "唱主角".