
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.abbrsupermarket; abbreviation for 超级市场

    • chāo shì li mǎn shì gù kè


      The supermarkets are full of customers.

    • tā cóng chāo shì mǎi huí le hěn duō dōng xi


      She bought many things from the supermarket.

    • wǒ jiā hòu miàn jiù shì yī gè chāo shì mǎi dōng xi hěn fāng biàn


      With a supermarket just behind where I live, it's very convenient for me to go shopping.

    • zhè jiā chāo shì de shòu huò yuán bì xū guà pái shàng gǎng


      Salespeople in this supermarket must wear name badges when on duty.

Word usage

  • "超市" is often matched with measure word "个"or"家".
    • 超市

      one supermarket

    • 超市

      one supermarket