不not; used to reply in the negative
个used before nouns without fixed measure words of their own; used between a verb and its object
五five; a note of the scale in gongchepu, corresponding to 6 in numbered musical notation
人human being; an adult human being
六a note of the scale in gongchepu, corresponding to 5 in numbered musical notation; six
去depart; be apart from in space or time
哥哥elder brother; elder male relative of the same generation
四four; note in the Chinese gongchepu scale
在exist; join or belong to an organization
大学university; The Great Learning
她her; reference to something beloved, such as one's motherland and national flag
姐姐elder sister; girl or woman who is of the same generation but older in age
王king; highest rank of nobility in feudal times
电视television; television images
的used to indicate a modifying and modified relationship
贵姓respectful way of referring to someone's surname
高兴happy; be happy/willing/glad to