chéng dāng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.bear; take on; assume

    • chéng dāng rèn wù


      take undertake a task

    • gōng sī shì shè huì zhōng de zǔ zhī gōng sī chú le zhuī zhú lì yì hái yīng dāng chéng dāng xiāng yìng de shè huì zé rèn


      In addition to pursuing the interests, the corporations should also bear the corresponding social responsibilities, because they are organizations of the society.

  • 2

    v.dialpromise; agree (to do something); consent to

    • zhè jiàn shì wǒ yǐ jīng chéng dāng


      I've already made a promise to someone else about this.

    • wǒ yǐ chéng dāng jiè qián gěi tā


      I have promised him a loan.

Word usage

  • Note
    "承当" and "承担" can be used in the same way when followed by "responsibilities", but "承担" such as in "承担费用" and "承担义务" cannot be replaced with "承当".