chōu chéng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.draw/deduct a percentage (from a sum of money)

  • 2

    n.a percentage deducted from a sum of money

    • hǎo ba sān bǎi měi yuán zhè jiù shì nǐ de chōu chéng


      All right, $300, that's your cut.

    • nǐ wèi de shì yī fèn xīn shui hái shì guǎng gào de chōu chéng


      You taking a salary or a percentage of the ad buy?

Word usage

  • "抽" and "成" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 中间人找到买家可以

      The broker will get a 20% commission if he finds a purchaser.

    • 其中

      Did he get a percentage of it?

    • 之后我们多少

      How much do we have after he gets his percentage?