chōu jīn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.infmlcramp; have spasms; go into/have spasms; muscle convulsion

    • tuǐ shòu hán le zhí chōu jīn


      The cold has given me leg cramp.

    • wǒ de dà tuǐ chōu jīn le


      I've got cramp in my leg.

    • tā tū rán yòu tuǐ chōu jīn hěn tòng kǔ


      She had a sudden painful cramp in her right leg.

  • 2

    v.pull out a tendon

    • bāo pí chōu jīn


      skin and pull out tendons

Word usage

  • "抽" and "筋" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • His tendon was pulled out.

    • 今天

      I had two cramps in my leg today.

    • 走路时候突然

      When I was walking, my feet suddenly cramped.

Chinese words with pinyin chou jin